Sunday, January 1, 2012

My To Do List of 2012

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to post on my blog more. I have thoughts and opinions; however, I am way to lazy to be bother to type them and thus keep it all bottled up inside of me.

So let's start off the new year with a to do list of things I need or would like to get done within the year:

1. Get a much needed hair cut. There are time I personally believe my hair is out to kill me by strangling me. That's one of the major sign of needing a hair cut. Plus when you are not able to reach the top of one's head doesn't help matter either.

2. Obtain a puppy. The chances of me getting pregnant and having a child to call my own are slim to null right now, and I need a sweet fuzzy four legged sweetie pie. I thought about getting a cat as well, but cat are very independent where as a dog needs you. Not dissing on cats cause they do need you to change the litter box and feed them, but that's basically about it. I'm hoping Dad and I can go to a shelter and see if they have any small dogs I can pick from. yes, I plan on being the crazy dog lady. ;)

3. I already started this earlier today morning, but I'm back on the sweeping kick. I'm gonna start off slowly, but I hope get back into the full swing of them before too long. I miss going on trips.

4. Survive Dec 21, 2012. 'Nuff said.

5. Eat better. If I lose weight then that's the frosting on the cake even though that was a bad analogy. ;)

And finally there are alwasy the old standbys like being a better Christian and human, treating family and others well, and stuff like that.

Who knows? Maybe next time I'll make out my "Bucket List: for my next post.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah a post! I feel like a total slacker, because I haven't posted on my blog for WAY too long..well, I guess that's the incentive I need to go and I'm off..check back at my blog later and see if I actually did anything. LOL Love ya Sissy!
