Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Joys of Pet Ownership.

Yes I'm making a post on Leap Day (or what's left of it), and so far things or just going on in their usual way. Well with one exception...

I have a dog.

I've been wanting a dog for quite a while now as anyone in my family can tell you, and finally everything fell into place. Dad and I ventured out to our local animal shelter, and my search began to find me a furry friend.

We started with the smallest dogs and puppies then onto the next room where the bigger dogs are. Amidst all the walking (and barking) Dad spots a little fella in a cage looking all forlorn and being very silent though very friendly. Dad informed me that this little guy was up for a review the next day to which my brain screamed, "HE'S GONNA DIE! GET HIM NOW!"

So to make a long blog post short, Ray (Lhasa Apsa x Yorkie mix) is home with me. He's under my desk as I type probably wondering why we aren't in bed. >_>

So far there has been a lot of ups and downs since having Ray; however, the ups out weigh the downs. He de-fluffed my desk chair, chewed up some undergarments, jumped into an empty bathtub with no way to get out (he did this while I was napping) just to name a few.

Oh and he's no longer silent like he was at the shelter. Oh no! The Lhasa in him gives him a bark that sounds more like a big dog rather than a cute little dog. Dad says that Ray barks because he can't see out of the apartment. So far Ray has been decent on quiet hours here though the week-ends are the worst. It seems everyone is either coming or going, and Ray wants to know.

And for those who may not know, I named him Ray after my Mom's middle name Raye. My late grand pa Lonnie's middle name was Ray as well as my Uncle Bill and his two sons.

Right now this very moment he is my Ray of sunshine. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Carletta's Bucket List:

Whoo hoo post number two!

We all know what a Bucket List is, right? For those who may not, it's a list things you'd like to do before you die (or kick the bucket). So I have often pondered what I would do, and here's my list of thing I like to do before I kicked the proverbial bucket.

1. Go to Europe. England, Scotland, France, The Netherlands, and so forth. I'm hoping I'll be lucky enough one of these days and win a trip over there. Always wanted to go since my teen age years. If and when I do, I know I'll have travel buddy! :)

2. Go to Tokyo and Osaka Japan. Again hoping I'm lucky enough to win a trip and take my travel buddy.

3. Be on TV. Yes that's been a dream of mine since I was kid. I know it's a lot of hard work, but hey what isn't hard work. Wait, did I hear typing a blog? >_>

4 Record a record. Even if it was only given to my family and people who know me, I'd still do it.

5. I want to do a big old road trip all over the US. Start in my home state head east to Georgia and then up the eastern seaboard to Maine. Then head west until we get to Washington state and drive down Oregon and California. Head east and a pit stop in Las Vegas then head homeward bound until we take a sharp north and go through Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas. Then back down and home. By that time my travel buddy would have already killed me. :D

I know my list is short, but that's all I can think of right now. I hate when that happens to me thinking about all sorts of things I want to type down and when I actually do...

Will I be able to keep the momentum going for tomorrow's post?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My To Do List of 2012

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to post on my blog more. I have thoughts and opinions; however, I am way to lazy to be bother to type them and thus keep it all bottled up inside of me.

So let's start off the new year with a to do list of things I need or would like to get done within the year:

1. Get a much needed hair cut. There are time I personally believe my hair is out to kill me by strangling me. That's one of the major sign of needing a hair cut. Plus when you are not able to reach the top of one's head doesn't help matter either.

2. Obtain a puppy. The chances of me getting pregnant and having a child to call my own are slim to null right now, and I need a sweet fuzzy four legged sweetie pie. I thought about getting a cat as well, but cat are very independent where as a dog needs you. Not dissing on cats cause they do need you to change the litter box and feed them, but that's basically about it. I'm hoping Dad and I can go to a shelter and see if they have any small dogs I can pick from. yes, I plan on being the crazy dog lady. ;)

3. I already started this earlier today morning, but I'm back on the sweeping kick. I'm gonna start off slowly, but I hope get back into the full swing of them before too long. I miss going on trips.

4. Survive Dec 21, 2012. 'Nuff said.

5. Eat better. If I lose weight then that's the frosting on the cake even though that was a bad analogy. ;)

And finally there are alwasy the old standbys like being a better Christian and human, treating family and others well, and stuff like that.

Who knows? Maybe next time I'll make out my "Bucket List: for my next post.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back in the Saddle?

I took the cue from my sister (and her blog) to 1. start blogging again, and 2. start sweeping once again.

I'm not saying I'm over mourning the loss of my mother, but (at this point) it feels right doing two things I enjoyed. I still don't know about my web site; however, I am tinkering with the thought of putting my blog on there (with the links to my past works still up), so people know that yes I am still around; however, I no longer have the heart to update anything Princess Maker related unless something epic is announced.

So what have I been doing? About every two weeks I spend a few days with Dad and the dogs. We (Dad and I as Sammy and Buddy could care less) watch movies and various TV stuff Dad recorded. Our big show right now is Jeopardy. At times Dad gives me this "How in the world did you know that?" look, and I say that something stick in my mind better than others. Spelling and math I'm a goner, but Pop Culture, Music, History, and Countries and I'm there.

Anyway other than that same old same old around here. Sometimes I like that, and other times I want to scream and then take a nap. Then again I like naps, so a nap with no screaming is a good day. :)

Still playing FFXI and FFXIV though XI is getting less attention. Still working on leveling my sub jobs to 50 before going back to my fave job Ranger. In FFXIV it's the Summer celebration thing going on: Bikinis, Bombs, and Burns.

Okay I can't think of anything else to type about in here, but here's hoping there will be more to come. I may not type every day, but here's hoping I can at least have something to say once a week.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So Like Yeah....

Heck, I don't know if I'm going truly express my feelings in this post. Plus I think this is one more hurdle I need to go over.

As you may have noticed my last post was during the Thanksgiving holiday, and how much of a wonderful time we all had as a family. We were also getting ready for Christmas, and we started to make plans. Nothing major, but they were plans just the same.

December third Mom goes into the hospital; however, to say that my Mom is a bad a patient is in fact an understatement. She wanted out as soon as went in. One doctor noticed she has swelling in her feet and wanted her to take a nuclear stress test, but being the stubborn woman didn't want any part of it.

Yeah I'm still scratching my head over that since she basically taken care of my sister and I through out our childhood as we went in and out of Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. Not to mention my Dad's heart attack, double bypass, just to name a few in the years of their marriage. That's all I'm going to say cause if I keeping thinking about it my blood will boil...again.

Seeing that the doctors couldn't do anything she was released from the hospital. One of the many things she did while back home was ask Dad if her sister Evie was still alive. My Aunt Evie died on Jan 25th, 2010.

On Dec 6th after I had woken up from my nap I called Mom and Dad to check up on Mom. Even though I wasn't able to speak with her, I told Dad to tell her that I loved her. Dad said she heard me and said that she loved me too.

Later that afternoon my mother Leah had a massive heart attack. The paramedics were able to get a pulse; however, we did not know how long her brain was without oxygen. At the hospital tests were ran, but there was no brain activity; therefore, on Dec 10th Dad, Lisa, and myself decided it time to say goodbye and have her taken off life support.

Her funeral was held on the 17th with wonderful family and friends to support us.

Christmas and New Years came and went, and we are doing our best to make it through the days and weeks and months ahead.

Lisa and I were not the only ones to lose a mother. My brother in law Stevie lost his mother Grace a few weeks later. Lisa and Mia flew with Stevie to England. My poor sweet niece lost two grandmothers in a span of just a little over one month (if that).

So like yeah I don't know what else to talk about. I don't know if I'll make another post (I surely hope so). I might have post about things I miss about Mom or staying with Dad. Who knows?

I just need to get over this hurdle. Oh, I also don't plan on proof reading this, so please bear with me.

Thank you.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I'm so not good at this, but hey...

I ate chocolate pie for lunch today!

Dad brought leftovers and helped me with my trash.

Last week my landline cordless phone finally died on me after about fiver years of service, so Kiddo said I can use an AT&T phone she has that was collecting dust. I'll find out tomorrow if the battery charge hold for a decent amount of time.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and I spent it with Mom, Dad, Kiddo, Mia, Ricky, and Aunt Marian as well as Buddy and Sammy our dogs. We all had a wonderful time, and now it's time to get ready for Christmas.

Already ordered my yearly stuff from Swiss Colony.

Anyway... When will I post again?

I do not know.

Monday, May 31, 2010

You'd Think...

That since having a blog I'd type about the going on events in my life; however, I find out that even if I did do something I'm too lazy to type about it. When I feel like typing (such as right now) nothing is currently going on with little old me. Go fig.

Heck I can't even make my trip report for Las Vegas with my sister. I got the picture on my computer, but when will they get on Face Book is anyone's guess.

After the trip I had jury duty on the 4th of this month. It went a lot smoother than I first thought, and believe it or not I'd do it again if I had the chance. Did I type about that? Oh heck no.

Going with my sister to the monthly Sweeper's meeting? Nah...

Mother's Day? No.

Parents' 46th wedding anniversary on the 11th? Nada.

Dad's birthday on the 28th? Zippo.

Today is the U.S.' Memorial Day when we remember those who have given their lives for this great country. Am I doing anything with the family today? Nope. It's just a regular day except the mail will not run.

My niece had to go to school today to make up for a snow day back in February when we got the record breaking 12 inches of the white stuff. Her official last day of school will be on Friday. Where I live the kids are already out and celebrating Summer vacation.

So what's in store for June? The only thing I can think of is Father's Day.

So how am I doing right now? I'm well. Things could always be better; however, I also know things could always be worse too.

Let's just hope I can post again before June 30th.