Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Joys of Pet Ownership.

Yes I'm making a post on Leap Day (or what's left of it), and so far things or just going on in their usual way. Well with one exception...

I have a dog.

I've been wanting a dog for quite a while now as anyone in my family can tell you, and finally everything fell into place. Dad and I ventured out to our local animal shelter, and my search began to find me a furry friend.

We started with the smallest dogs and puppies then onto the next room where the bigger dogs are. Amidst all the walking (and barking) Dad spots a little fella in a cage looking all forlorn and being very silent though very friendly. Dad informed me that this little guy was up for a review the next day to which my brain screamed, "HE'S GONNA DIE! GET HIM NOW!"

So to make a long blog post short, Ray (Lhasa Apsa x Yorkie mix) is home with me. He's under my desk as I type probably wondering why we aren't in bed. >_>

So far there has been a lot of ups and downs since having Ray; however, the ups out weigh the downs. He de-fluffed my desk chair, chewed up some undergarments, jumped into an empty bathtub with no way to get out (he did this while I was napping) just to name a few.

Oh and he's no longer silent like he was at the shelter. Oh no! The Lhasa in him gives him a bark that sounds more like a big dog rather than a cute little dog. Dad says that Ray barks because he can't see out of the apartment. So far Ray has been decent on quiet hours here though the week-ends are the worst. It seems everyone is either coming or going, and Ray wants to know.

And for those who may not know, I named him Ray after my Mom's middle name Raye. My late grand pa Lonnie's middle name was Ray as well as my Uncle Bill and his two sons.

Right now this very moment he is my Ray of sunshine. :)