Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back in the Saddle?

I took the cue from my sister (and her blog) to 1. start blogging again, and 2. start sweeping once again.

I'm not saying I'm over mourning the loss of my mother, but (at this point) it feels right doing two things I enjoyed. I still don't know about my web site; however, I am tinkering with the thought of putting my blog on there (with the links to my past works still up), so people know that yes I am still around; however, I no longer have the heart to update anything Princess Maker related unless something epic is announced.

So what have I been doing? About every two weeks I spend a few days with Dad and the dogs. We (Dad and I as Sammy and Buddy could care less) watch movies and various TV stuff Dad recorded. Our big show right now is Jeopardy. At times Dad gives me this "How in the world did you know that?" look, and I say that something stick in my mind better than others. Spelling and math I'm a goner, but Pop Culture, Music, History, and Countries and I'm there.

Anyway other than that same old same old around here. Sometimes I like that, and other times I want to scream and then take a nap. Then again I like naps, so a nap with no screaming is a good day. :)

Still playing FFXI and FFXIV though XI is getting less attention. Still working on leveling my sub jobs to 50 before going back to my fave job Ranger. In FFXIV it's the Summer celebration thing going on: Bikinis, Bombs, and Burns.

Okay I can't think of anything else to type about in here, but here's hoping there will be more to come. I may not type every day, but here's hoping I can at least have something to say once a week.