Saturday, November 27, 2010


I'm so not good at this, but hey...

I ate chocolate pie for lunch today!

Dad brought leftovers and helped me with my trash.

Last week my landline cordless phone finally died on me after about fiver years of service, so Kiddo said I can use an AT&T phone she has that was collecting dust. I'll find out tomorrow if the battery charge hold for a decent amount of time.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and I spent it with Mom, Dad, Kiddo, Mia, Ricky, and Aunt Marian as well as Buddy and Sammy our dogs. We all had a wonderful time, and now it's time to get ready for Christmas.

Already ordered my yearly stuff from Swiss Colony.

Anyway... When will I post again?

I do not know.

Monday, May 31, 2010

You'd Think...

That since having a blog I'd type about the going on events in my life; however, I find out that even if I did do something I'm too lazy to type about it. When I feel like typing (such as right now) nothing is currently going on with little old me. Go fig.

Heck I can't even make my trip report for Las Vegas with my sister. I got the picture on my computer, but when will they get on Face Book is anyone's guess.

After the trip I had jury duty on the 4th of this month. It went a lot smoother than I first thought, and believe it or not I'd do it again if I had the chance. Did I type about that? Oh heck no.

Going with my sister to the monthly Sweeper's meeting? Nah...

Mother's Day? No.

Parents' 46th wedding anniversary on the 11th? Nada.

Dad's birthday on the 28th? Zippo.

Today is the U.S.' Memorial Day when we remember those who have given their lives for this great country. Am I doing anything with the family today? Nope. It's just a regular day except the mail will not run.

My niece had to go to school today to make up for a snow day back in February when we got the record breaking 12 inches of the white stuff. Her official last day of school will be on Friday. Where I live the kids are already out and celebrating Summer vacation.

So what's in store for June? The only thing I can think of is Father's Day.

So how am I doing right now? I'm well. Things could always be better; however, I also know things could always be worse too.

Let's just hope I can post again before June 30th.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Land of Dirty Old Dragons...

Well if you ever played Princess Maker 2 you'd know what I mean.

What the heck am I talking about right now? Well in two weeks I'm heading to the desert, money, sin, you know where I'm talking about here right?

I won't go into too much detail until I get back, nap, eat, use the bathroom, upload pictures, and play FFXI. :D

I have been a naughty Hume lately and been reading about the Alpha release of FFXIV. It looks so freaking shiny, and I hope that someday I'll be able to get on the (at least) open Beta. Well if I do you won't hear it from me cause of the NDA. >_> I may be naughty, but I'm not stupid.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So Tired...

I just have not been able to post here. It's one part other things going on and I forget. Second part I really don't have very interesting things to type about here. I also don't feel good, and I've been sleeping a lot lately. I'm hoping to get groceries later this week. Yeah food. I'm over weight, but I gotta have my food.

Basically I'm in a funk.

My sister has a blog(s) and boy she can type and explain things and event eloquently. I'm not just saying that cause she's reading this. ;) Me? I type, and that's it. I'm not good at elaborating on subjects and what not.

So far the computer is still working wonderfully, I'm now on the Leviathan server for FFXI, and everyone has been great. I'm not only still on my linkshell from Remora "Angels of Anarchy", but I 'm also in a Levi shell called "Connection Lost". Plus Monday night I have my first Einherjar. I need to let them know I don't know the way to the battle ground. >_>

Back to the funk...

I'm hoping this will lessen (it really never goes away for me as of late just light and heavy days) cause I need to clean my place. When you don't have energy however cleaning a lot is not the top of the list. When my rent is re-evaluated come June I'm going to ask the landlady if she knows anywhere that will help disabled people with cleaning.

Oh well time to get back on the game and play with Ranger.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shantotto is Here!

Well in the form of an HP Pavilion elite computer that is. :)

Still have not installed everything to it just yet, but I'm getting there. There's not much left to do except for like the video camera and printer on my USB hub.

I also digging Windows 7, and so far (knock on prefab wood) I have not goofed anything up.

Also wireless headphone = YAY! However only having an eight hour charge is a small "booooo".

So as you can guess I'm back in the game grinding and crafting my happy ass away. Then on the 28th at Vana Fest in Tokyo we (players of FFXI) found out they are raising the level cap to 99 (slowly but 99 by the end of the year). This makes my job ADD heart go pidder padder. :D

Oh yeah I will no longer be on the Remora server by the next update. Well only because there's going to be a serve merge with Leviathan (as well as a few more low populated servers going to mid level servers). Glad I know some folks from Leviathan as well as my friends from Remora.

Other than that I wish I had some more energy, but that's normal around here for me.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

One Week...

It has been one since I've been stranded in real life.

I am missing the world of Vana D'eile big time. Plus I have grown to mildly hate my Netbook. It's wonderful for traveling, but using it at home not so much.

I am having dreams about computers as well, and my eyes are getting blurry just trying to read this screen.

Now I am doing my best to keep busy; howeved, you'd think house work would be on that list. It isn't. I do a little stuff here and there, but I'd get tired and take a nap. Here's hoping I can wash the dishes tomorrow.

Anyway I'm hoping things will change by this coming week.

I decided that what I really and truly want and need is in fact a new computer. So I bought myself an HP computer this time around. I'm gonna name my new baby Shantotto. :D

Now all I have to do is wait for it to get here. Yeah... I going insane.

Okay more insane.

Dad will help me get it set up and all the hard to reach things for me plugged in, and I need to add the drivers that I was able to find (printer, tablet, digital camera software, and ps2 controller). Then grab Firefox and Thunderbird (I sure hope I can get TB up and running remembering what to do).

Then before installing FFXI, and even the POL viewer for Win 7, I'm gonna grab the benchmark test. I can't wait to see how that runs and what all I was missing on my now defunct Dell.

So in words of one female professor and black mage extraordinaire once I have that thing up and running, I'll be gleefully going,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So Not in a Good Mood Right Now...

For those who may not already know, my Dell desktop died on me. And like a dumbass I didn't back up any of my programs and photos. Yeah, I'm kicking myself for that. I had the external HD on my sofa, but never got around to asking for help to getting it installed and finding a nice safe place to put it. (sigh)

Needless to say I will be getting my external drive up and running once I get myself anew computer some how, some,way, someday.

Yes I'm missing my FFXI, and my wireless keyboard. I'm glad I bought my mini computer last year, and I got the FFXI Collection 2009.

So if you can't from here my mood has not been its' best since this week-end. Throw in Valentine's Day, and well let's just say it wasn't pretty. I did spend some time at my parents', and my niece was there as well. Buddy and Sammy were always happy to see me, and that helped.

So anyway, I am using my mini with my wireless router, however, my connection can be rather flaky at times. Some times my connection can go on for hours without a problem, and then again there are times when I can't stay on for even five minutes.

At least I'm still able to play on FaceBook and talk on Vent as well as Skype. Though I'll be happy to get back on FFXI.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Get the Barfira Up Cause Carletta is Having a Meltdown...

Yeah... Both in real life and in game.

For those who may or may not know my Aunt Evie passed away on the 25th of this month. Tomorrow is her memorial at her house. Yes there will be no funeral, and her body is now a pile of ashes in a box. I really wanted to see her one last time resting in peace with no more pain, but her husband opted for something else. I hope I see her again in Heaven.

Oh and this week is my apartment complex's inspection. Well I just get what I can done and hope for the best.

I also forgot to call my sister to see if we can attend the open auditions of America's Got Talent. Missing the auditions isn't bothering me (I'd rather try out for the upcoming US X-Factor), but the thought of my singing voice going away is. Every time I sing the notes come out all wrong, broken, squeaky. I feel like I lost my opportunity to use my voice to make money and help my family as well as myself. But like my sister said I have a lot on my plate (as the rest of my family does) right now.

However, if I was in Dallas today I would not have left my Sky LS.

A lot of little thing in game are starting to bug me. First being told my gear sucks. Okay we all have opinions and thank you for telling me yours; however, I'm not going to change my gear cause you say I don't have enough "mind". Yes I know I have 3 mil in gil, but I'll spend it however I see fit. Plus I'm not a big fan of everyone having the same type of gear per job. What happened to being a unique character in game? Oh yes you can, but be sure to have the best gear like everybody else. -_-

Second (and really not part of Sky but annoying just the same) is someone telling me that I level too many jobs. There are twenty jobs in FFXI all with their own pros and cons. I enjoy playing all of them though there are some I do enjoy more than others. I at least would like to get all jobs to level 37. Well lately I've been told that I level too many of them, and it's a waste of gil and space. Wait? You're telling me how to spend my monthly fee of $12.95 per month? I think you just did. I like to grind for experience, farm for stuff, and craft. That is how I enjoy the game. I'm not totally anti-socail as I enjoy talking with people on my social linkshell. I wonder how far I would get if I told someone that I think HNM's among other events were stupid and a waste of time?

I have thought about leaving the game, but one thing is keeping me: 3D Secure. It's SE's new system for credit cards to which the card I'm using right now does not have and will expire later in the year. I don't know how to get a card with 3D Secure, or even if I can get a card with that. Would my bank card work? Will SE not ban me if there is a hick up in the system going from one card to another? Don't forget FFXIV will need 3D Secure as well. Arg.

Now for something completely different...

My sister won a Wii with Wii Fit, and she's giving it to me! I think that's been the brightest spot in my week thus far. Yeah I got Rank 2 in the Mog Bonanza and got Cleric's Mitts, but of course once I got them I was told I should have taken the 4 million gil. (sigh) Anyway... It's a thank you gift for taking her to Ls Vegas in the next couple of months. She was going to wait until my birthday, but that like eights months away. >_> Now I need to buy Animal Crossing City Folk.

I'm hoping typing all this out will help relieve some of the frustration, but if not...


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When We Last Left Carletta...

She was fighting goblins and lesser manticors near the outpost in the Altepa Desert.

Yeah I suck at posting even in narrative form.

Yeah, I also mean to update this but other things get in the way either on the Net or in real life.

I'll go into more of real life later if you don't mind. I have been posting about that in FaceBook, and I get to this part of the Net soon enough. Plus I want to keep my mind occupied as much as I can.

I also had lunch, and I need to get my lazy butt up to the sink and wash dishes. Dang where's my moogle? My luck he took my Mog Bonanza marbles and headed south to Kazham. Sneaky bastard sword.

Oops... I'm mixing real life with the game again.

Cube probably chased my moogle out... Dang it I did it again...
